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Corporate Yoga Program

A Yoga Program for corporate staffs, to develop and maintain an ideal physical, mental, emotional and behavioral health.

Corporate Yoga is an increasingly popular approach to workplace wellness and management. Corporate Yoga provides an exciting, flexible, and affordable way to motivate staff members while keeping them in top shape.

The first step to having your staff reap the incredible benefits of a corporate yoga program is to help them realize that they do not need any special skills to truly enjoy yoga.

Our certified yoga instructors know how to get beginners off to a slow start, and gradually increase the amount of yoga poses, breathing systems and meditation techniques for various levels of practitioners for energizing, rejuvenating and de-stressing the mind and body. Our Yoga instructors begin with only a few basic yet highly effective yoga techniques, and gradually add more advanced techniques but easy to do as the participants become more accustomed.

Benefits of Corporate Yoga Program

The main benefits of corporate yoga are many. It has been proved that corporate yoga offers numerous benefits for the business and also for the person. Corporate yoga exercises are designed to enhance employee morale, increase productivity, decrease employee stress and improve employee wellbeing. Therefore, the main benefits of yoga are the increased productivity, reduced stress levels, improved employee mental well-being, enhanced quality of life and a general sense of wellbeing.

When it comes to corporate yoga, you can expect to enjoy many benefits. Some of the main benefits include:

  • reduced stress levels,
  • improved morale,
  • an overall sense of wellness,
  • more time for your loved ones,
  • less injuries and broken bones,
  • better sleep,
  • lower cholesterol and blood pressure,
  • reduced blood sugar levels,
  • healthier skin and hair,
  • clearer vision,
  • improved posture,
  • increased productivity, and
  • improved quality of life.

All these benefits, if you implement them effectively into your business, will definitely provide for a positive change in your business, your executives, staffs and in yourself. It is very important to have a good work-life balance, to ensure that you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, the main benefits of yoga are great for your health, your business, and your well-being.

Why AATYC-Yoga Instituite for Corporate Yoga?

Organize Corporate Yoga Program with Adwait Yoga School and let your executives and staffs realize the aforesaid benefits of Corporate Yoga Program just after attending a session led by our hugely experienced and expert Yoga Trainers. Followings are some reasons why to try Corporate Yoga Program with us:

Affordable Fee Structure
Professional Team of Qualified as also well Experienced Trainers.
Scientific and Effective yet Easy-to-do techniques taught in fun-ways.
Varieties of interesting Yoga and healing tools.
Need based and fully customized program.

The main benefits of corporate yoga offered by us, is the ability to achieve better health through simple techniques of Yoga. These benefits are in many ways related to health management. Our corporate yoga program would help in improving mental, emotional and physical health. In addition, it is an excellent way to maintain your mental clarity and vitality. It also helps in maintaining a positive state of mind and increases your productivity.


30 minutes session

The pioneer of ‘Ashtanga Yoga’ defines ‘Asana’ as “sthira sukham asanam”, means, “the stable comfort and ease is Asana”.

In Yoga Asana session, we teach and train for easy asanas, which can be practiced in the formal dress also, but that release the physical strain, stiffness, uneasiness and pain quickly, and the participants feel more physical comfort & ease at work.


15 minutes session

Pranayama is a vital part of Yoga, which instantly supplies the cosmic tangible healing energy into the body, consequently one feels energized, more focused and dynamic in actions.

Our trainers teach some highly effective Pranayama (breathing techniques), which rejuvenate and afresh the mind, moods and body.


15 minutes session

The mudras can also be described as emotional, psychic, aesthetic gestures of hands. Many ancient yoga masters explain mudras as balancing the energy in the body. Mudras are used to change the mood, perception and attitude of a person. They are also very helpful in increasing awareness and mindfulness in a person.


5 minutes session

Laughing is very powerful to destroy the accumulated physical, mental and emotional stress. This helps pituitary gland secret endorphin hormones which promote the overall sense of well-being.

Our Laughing Yoga instantly make the participants feel lighter, cheerful and happy.

Our Laughing Yoga instantly make the participants feel lighter, cheerful and happy.


5 minutes session

Focusing on your movement, your breathing, and how your body is reacting to the exercise creates a kind of moving meditation that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and improves mental clarity. Like other forms of exercise, seated yoga may also help improve mood, your confidence and relieve anxiety and depression.


20 minutes session

The Q&A session of our Corporate Yoga Program is extremely significant. This gives an opportunity to the participants to ask the questions related to their practices of the techniques taught during the session.

We give very precise answers to the questions put by the participants.


      Single Session

       ₹ 10,000

          Participants unlimited


      5 Sessions

       ₹ 45,000

           Participants unlimited​


      12 Sessions

         ₹ 1,00,000 

           Participants unlimited​

Book your Corporate Yoga Program

Our Yoga & Wellness Programs

Social Justice and Empowerment Department - Government of Rajasthan
Seth Anandi Lal Poddar Institute Of Deaf Dumb
PWD Department - Government of Rajasthan
Rajasthan State Secretariat - Government of Rajasthan
Jai Club -Jaipur Rajasthan

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